Evening production

At night, the 1001 canopies are transformed into a completely different world: THE TOWN OF NARRATORS has opened its doors! Visitors embark on a voyage of discovery to places and mysterious rooms. There they meet the story apothecary Alef, who offers his services. Siradshid transforms the hamam into a dangerous djinn chamber and servant Amira tells of her master Sheherazade, the great storyteller.
The city visitors learn of many wisdoms that rest in the stories and they experience the power of the stories to speak justice. They meet the mythical bird king Simurgh and get to know the city dwellers in their function as unusual peacemakers.

Drama, dance, storytelling, illumination, sound collage and many aberrations open up the theatre world around SHEHERAZADE. A fairytale night - carried by the hope for a peaceful world.