Staging ANU productions in a corona-compliant manner
Seven of our park productions (Ovid's Dream | Shadow Forest | Sternenzeit | The Great Journey | Perpetuum | Sheherazade | Legends of water) we can play for you from our repertoire suitable for corona. We currently refer to the Recommendations for action by the AGV and the R.I.F.E.L.
In the following, we will show you how this could look concretely and creatively, using the examples of OVIDS DREAM and SHADOW FOREST...
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OVIDS DREAM - A Park Production in Corona Times

The award-winning park production OVIDS TRAUM offers nine stations that are spatially separated in a park. With dance performances and shadow plays, it tells poetic stories from Ovid's Metamorphoses. More info on the content here.
- Closing off the area, inlet and outlet
The park should be fenced off. If this is not the case, the area can also be fenced off with ropes. This is then guarded by helpers. Our experience with this transparent border has been very good. In order to equalise the admission situation, there are several admission times. It is also possible to organise admission at several locations. Entrance and exit are organised separately. Each entrance is marked by a cordoned-off area. Here, hands are disinfected and instructions are given on spacing and positioning rules. It is also checked that everyone is wearing a mouth-nose protection, which must be worn under certain circumstances (e.g. if a visitor shows symptoms). Theatre ANU also has masks available.
- Visitor numbers
Basically, personalised tickets are issued to control the number of visitors and to make possible chains of infection traceable.
If only very small numbers of spectators are allowed, the concept can be changed as follows: Several admission times can be organised per evening. At the same time, the number of stations is reduced so that the evening lasts less time and can be played twice in a row.
- Compliance with distance regulations
Should spacing arrangements still be in place or recommended during the implementation period, this can be ensured by the following measures: Numbered stools are placed at the venues. These are placed at the appropriate distances. The visitors know their personal number. A helper monitors the observance of the spacing at each venue. The observance of the distance rules on the way from venue A to venue B is explicitly pointed out before the event. Creative means could also be used such as wearing a simple "hoop skirt" with a diameter of 150 cm.
- Hygiene rules
The stools are very easy to disinfect, although this will probably not be necessary after every round of play due to the lack of attack surfaces, it is feasible. Hand disinfectants are visibly available in the entrance and exit areas, as well as in the toilets.
If a mouthguard is recommended for events, it can be purchased or handed out at the entrance.

The course leads through a forest. The visitors walk in small groups. Everyone has their own lantern. The production leads through a kaleidoscope of Grimm fairy tales and their origins in Germanic mythology. More info on the content here.
- Closing off the area and inlet and outlet
From our point of view, fencing off the circular walk is not necessary, as in seven years of playing we have never encountered groups of strangers in the forest at night. In so-called urban forests (park-like), the play area must be controllable.
The individual groups of max. 40 people do not meet during the whole evening. A group starts every 15 minutes. The beginning and end of the forest trail are not at the same place. The entrance is marked by a cordoned-off area. Here, hands are disinfected and instructions are given on spacing and placement rules. It is also checked that everyone is wearing a mouth-nose protection, which must be worn under certain circumstances (e.g. if a visitor shows symptoms). Theatre ANU also has masks available. The distribution of lanterns (disinfected hand knob) will also take place here. Visitors will be given the exact time of admission via the necessary ticketing. A waiting area will be set up.
- Visitor numbers
Basically, personalised tickets are issued to control the number of visitors and to make possible chains of infection traceable. Visitor numbers are variable and also depend on the size of the venues in the forest. Legal regulations or small areas can lead to a reduction of groups (20-30 people) per run. There can be up to 10 runs per evening.
- Compliance with distance regulations
Before the start of the event, the applicable spacing rules will be pointed out. There will be a helper at each venue to ensure compliance. Visitors will find marked and numbered standing places or stools in the forest, spaced accordingly. The visitors know their personal number. The observance of the distance rules on the way from venue A to venue B will be explicitly pointed out before the event. As it is difficult to estimate 1.50 m in the dark, creative means could also be used such as wearing a simple "hoop skirt" with a diameter of 150 cm or forming a pair, each connected with a 150 cm long, luminous rope.
- Hygiene rules
The visitors usually stand during the performances. If stools are used, they are very easy to disinfect. The handles of the lanterns are lacquered and disinfected before they are used again.
If a mouthguard is recommended for events, it can be purchased or handed out at the entrance.