Fulda | Sidereal Time


Start of play: 22:00
End of play: 00:00

Three things have remained for us from paradise: the stars of the night, the flowers of the day and the eyes of the children.

Alighieri Dante

It's like a journey to the land of our childhood: trees have faces, an elven creature sets a mobilé of light in motion. Fantastic stories are told under trees.
A sleeping woman wakes up in front of a large wall of shadows. Her shadow begins to perform fantastic movements. Along the way, peep boxes, kaleidoscopes and light catchers await. It is a night of wondrous encounters and poetic moods, intended to awaken a longing for a land where we all once lived - our childhood.

For three hours, visitors can stroll through the park, watch the ensuite performances and enjoy the light installations.

Where is the child I was,
does it live in me or is it gone?

Pablo Nerude:
From the Book of Questions
