

The Shadow Dream (Shadow play with the body) - Helena Aljona Kühn/Karen Rémy/Bille Behr
The King who couldn't sleep (shadow theatre + narration) - Jacek klinke/Lorenz Pilz
Children's wishes (video projection and dance) - Rebecca Dirler/Karen Rémy; camera: Anne Sturm/Elly Smith
The window (Play) - Bärbel Aschenberg/Bille Behr

Idea & Concept - Theater Anu by Bille & Stefan Behr

Author - Stefan Behr, Hugo von Hofmannsthal, Rainer Maria Rilke, Pythagoras, et al.
Equipment - Martin Thoms
Audio editing  - Bille Behr
Direction + Choreography 
- Bille Behr
Video installations
- Anne Storm

Technology - Rebecca Dirler, Thomas Hanson, Elly Smith, Anne Sturm