Ovid's dream - In the Garden of Changes

A danced dream world of light and shadow

Light installations, burning shoes, dancing shadows: ANU Theatre transforms parks into a dreamlike garden of metamorphoses - a feast for the senses. Mysterious, sensual and touching at the same time: dancers from Spain, Italy and Germany explore the 2000-year-old mystery of the Roman poet Ovid's "Metamorphoses": why does he transform his heroes into trees, birds, stones or stardust instead of better people? Theater Anu creates a walk-in dream world of light and sound. What awaits you here for 2.5 hours will stay with you for a long time: danced passion - poetic, mystical, hypnotic. Sound collages of selected stories by the Roman poet, dance, body art and a play with light and shadow form the round dance about the power of human existence.

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